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Mental health – Adults

If you are feeling suicidal, call the practice on 0141 6443511 or call 111 (out of hours).

Local services

  • Primary Care Mental Health Team – ‘Bridges’ self-referral

    Bridges is the formal East Renfrewshire Primary Care Mental Health Team. Staff deliver short term psychological therapy and counselling to help you develop your coping skills and improve your mood.

    Treatment may take the form of group classes, workshops or 1:1 sessions. More details can be found on the East Renfrewshire’s mental health page.

    You can self-refer by clicking on the Bridges self-referral page.

    Please note, this isn’t a crisis service. If you’re having suicidal thoughts phone your GP or NHS 24 on 111.

    Contact the Bridges to Wellbeing team – East Renfrewshire Council

  • Recovery Across Mental Health – East Renfrewshire

    RAMH provides professional care and services to those affected by mental ill health; depression, self harm, bipolar disorder, anxiety and other conditions.

    They run weekly classes, counselling sessions, support groups and clubs. They also provide housing, employability and physical activity support.

    If you think RAMH can help you please get in touch with them directly – you can self-refer for most services.


    0141 847 8900

  • Link Worker

    Nicola Docherty is employed by the Health & Social Care Partnership (HSCP) to help with advice on matters including support groups, caring for relatives and friends, employment, alcohol and drugs, managing stress and anxiety, living with health conditions, money worries, housing issues, volunteering and healthy lifestyle. Your doctor would refer you if they feel you are suitable for this service, and can be up to 4 sessions.

  • Wise Connections

    Wise Connections is East Renfrewshire’s service for over 65’s who are feeling anxious, down or depressed. You can self-refer, or a relative or other healthcare worker can refer you Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

    0141 451 0590

  • Lanarkshire Mind Matters

    NHS Lanarkshire’s website for the region’s mental health resources including details of group courses, online programmes and general advice.

    They also run the ‘Reclaim your life‘ course, a weekly class to help you cope with long term health conditions: Reclaim Your Life – Lanarkshire Mind Matters (

    Note, the website does not offer self-referral to individual therapy – these referrals must come from us.

    How we can help you – Lanarkshire Mind Matters (

Other resources

  • Breathing Space

    A confidential phone line for anyone in Scotland over the age of 16, feeling low, anxious or depressed.

    0800 83 85 87


  • Daylight

    Daylight is your expert guide through worry and anxiety, whenever and wherever you need it. Engaging and easy to use, Daylight teaches proven exercises to help you manage your worry.


  • Sleepio

    Insomnia is one of the most common mental health complaints in the UK, with 1 in 10 people living with Insomnia. NHS Scotland offers access to Sleepio, a sleep improvement program, at no cost.

    Many of our patients have found the programme extremely effective.


  • Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH)

    Anyone can experience a mental health problem or poor mental health: especially now. Whether you’re looking for information or seeking support, SAMH can help.


  • Wellbeing Glasgow

    Excellent resources in video, audio and booklet format to help with a range of mental health problems. Do not phone the number on the website as it is for patients living in Glasgow City, but the website’s resources are for anyone to use.

    Glasgow | Wellbeing Services | NHS (

    They also have video courses that are free to access here: Wellbeing Services Glasgow – YouTube

  • Samaritans in Scotland

    Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. You don’t have to be suicidal. Call Samaritans free, 24 hours a day 365 days a year.

    116 123



  • Penumbra

    Penumbra is one of Scotland’s largest mental health charities. They support around 1800 adults and young people every week and employ 400 staff across Scotland.


Page published: 5 September 2024
Last updated: 16 January 2025