If you are feeling suicidal, call the practice on 0141 6443511 or call 111 (out of hours).
Local services
Healthier Minds (8-18yrs) – Self-referral
East Renfrewshire’s service supporting young people’s mental health. You can self-refer for support.
Information for Children and Young People (glowscotland.org.uk)
Other resources
Togetherall is a safe, online community where people support each other anonymously to improve mental health and wellbeing. It is a clinically managed, online community, moderated 24/7 by mental health practitioners.
People can interact with each other, work through modules and read articles. Patients aged 16-25 in East Renfrewshire are eligible to use. Patients can register at www.togetherall.com.
Please select “Join Our Community” and then “My Area is Registered” and then enter your postcode and details.CAMHS resources
An excellent selection of support for a broad range of mental health difficulties.
CAMHS Resources (camhs-resources.co.uk)National Bullying Helpline
Help and advice for children and young people affected by bullying.
Phone (free)
0300 323 0169
Help and Advice for Children affected by bullying (nationalbullyinghelpline.co.uk)Alumina – free self harm support course
Free online support for young people aged 10-17 struggling with self harm. Course takes 7 weeks and is delivered online.
Alumina | SelfharmCalm Harm
Free app available on Android and IOS to help resist or manage the urge to self harm. Designed for young people over the age of 13.
Home – Calm Harm App (stem4.org.uk)