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Online Form Replaced

Dear Patient

The online form ‘Get help for any health problem’ is being replaced with ‘Request an appointment with the Doctor’. The reason for this is to help manage workload within the practice. We have had an increasing number of requests along the lines of ‘Can I just ask…..’ which traditionally individuals would have dealt with themselves. Unfortunately we do not have the resources to continue to deal with this type of request. We are encouraging patients to consider what they need to see the doctor about and request an appointment when necessary, as would traditionally have been done. Routine appointments and urgent on the day remain and appointments can be requested via the new online form. In line with government guidance we will continue to signpost patients to the various services, such as the pharmacist, optician, dentist, podiatrist etc. when this is appropriate.

Thank you for your understanding, as we try to channel our resources to best support our patients.


Carolside Medical Centre