Carers UK – Scotland
They’re here to make sure that no matter how complicated your query or your experience, you don’t have to care alone.
0808 808 7777
info@carersuk.orgCoalition of Carers in Scotland
The Coalition of Carers in Scotland exists to advance the voice of carers by facilitating carer engagement and bringing carers and local carer organisations together with decision makers at a national and local level.
www.carersnet.orgCarers Trust
Carers Trust is a major charity for, with and about carers. Their vision is that unpaid carers count and can access the help they need to live their lives.
www.carers.orgCare Information Scotland
If you look after someone, need care yourself or are planning for your future care needs, you can get the information and advice you need here.
www.careinfoscotland.scotLink Worker
Nicola Docherty is employed by the Health & Social Care Partnership (HSCP) to help with advice on matters including support groups, caring for relatives and friends, employment, alcohol and drugs, managing stress and anxiety, living with health conditions, money worries, housing issues, volunteering and healthy lifestyle.
Your doctor would refer you if they feel you are suitable for this service, and can be up to 4 sessions.
Page published: 9 May 2023
Last updated: 23 July 2024