Community Transport East Renfrewshire – Your Wee Red Bus
Patients are referred through their GP surgery, with the surgery completing a referral on the patient’s behalf.
They currently only provide transport for East Renfrewshire residents to doctors and hospital appointments. This does not include dentist or optician appointments.
Once referred, patients liaise with the organisation themselves.
Patients must give at least 10 days’ notice if they require transport.
Volunteer drivers use their own cars to take patients to and from doctors and hospital appointments.
Patients referred MUST be able to get into and out of a car. Drivers are not trained to lift patients.
If help is needed at hospital the driver will get them a wheelchair and take them to the department.
Volunteers work Mon to Fri (leaving their house at 8.30am and finishing by 5.30pm).Link Worker
Nicola Docherty is employed by the Health & Social Care Partnership (HSCP) to help with advice on matters including support groups, caring for relatives and friends, employment, alcohol and drugs, managing stress and anxiety, living with health conditions, money worries, housing issues, volunteering and healthy lifestyle.
Your doctor would refer you if they feel you are suitable for this service, and can be up to 4 sessions.ALISS
You can us ALISS to find information about other groups in local area.
Community Help
Page published: 11 July 2024
Last updated: 13 February 2025