Local services
Expecting a Baby? – Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Make plans to meet your midwife. It is never too early in a pregnancy to register for maternity services.
Register at www.nhsggc.scot/meetyourmidwife. After you have completed a simple online form, you will receive your first appointment with your midwife via post.
www.nhsggc.scot – Self-Referring To Maternity ServicesQueen Elizabeth University Hospital Maternity Unit
Their maternity unit boasts a number of world class maternity facilities for women and babies from across the city and beyond. Find out how the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Unit cares for you during pregnancy and labour, and after your baby is born.
www.nhsggc.org.ukWishaw Hospital Maternity Unit
For Lanarkshire patients, find out how Wishaw Hospital Unit cares for you during pregnancy and labour, and after your baby is born.
Maternity Services: NHS Lanarkshire
Other resources
Baby Buddy: Pregnancy & Parent
Baby Buddy is an award winning mobile phone app for new parents and parents-to-be, created by mums, doctors and midwives.
Google Play Store
Download Baby Buddy on the Google Play Store
Apple App Store
Download Baby Buddy on the Apple App StoreReady Steady Baby!
Your guide to pregnancy, labour and birth and early parenthood up to 8 weeks.
NHS Inform: Ready Steady Baby!Citizens Advice Scotland
There are a number of benefits and schemes in Scotland to support people who are expecting a child or have given birth.
Citizens Advice Scotland: Expecting A Baby